Saturday, March 21, 2009

Living la vida loca!

Hi all. Basketball season has ended and now it's straight into Little League Baseball and Youth Track. I have two very active, very athletic little boys aged almost 8 and 11. Basketball season ended last weekend and had 3 days of down time before baseball practices started! It's crazy. Good to keep the kids busy in sports though. It keeps them out of trouble and adds confidence and friendship. We are now at the end of our first week of spring break.... one more week to go. So far the weather has been wonderful. Nice and sunny and mild.... just the way we like it. I normally do tennis 3-4 days a week. But focussed on fun for my boys this week. We took a trip up to San Jose to the Museum of Innovation and Technology. It's a fun hands on learning experience for ALL ages. Downtown San Jose is gorgeous just to walk through anyways. We also took a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It's truly amazing all the little sea critters and infomation available. Our most favorite exhibit there would have to be one called "Wild about Otters". It's an enclosure with African Spotted Otters. A mom and several pups. Always plenty of action there amongst the siblings. Also showing some action were the penguins.... it appears that it was mating season! More penguins to come..... hee hee hee.

Also this week we set up a little garden spot in our backyard with cucumbers and strawberries.... we'll see how it goes. I hope for lots of yummy treats to come!